Issue 401 in winetricks: vb6run install completed but installed file /home.../syswow64/msvbvm60.dll not found
11 years ago
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 401 by ***@googlemail.com: vb6run install completed but
installed file /home.../syswow64/msvbvm60.dll not found

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Install vb6run from winetricks on Ubuntu 13.10 64bit
2. Massage: vb6run install completed but installed file
/home.../syswow64/msvbvm60.dll not found
3. Software will not start (Lernwerkstatt 8)

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Should mark vb6run as installed but it's not.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Ubuntu 13.10 64bit
winetricks 20130707

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11 years ago
Comment #1 on issue 401 by ***@googlemail.com: vb6run install
completed but installed file /home.../syswow64/msvbvm60.dll not found

Unhandled exception: page fault on write access to 0x00548748 in 32-bit
code (0x7e618906).
Register dump:
CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b
EIP:7e618906 ESP:0033f490 EBP:0033f4c8 EFLAGS:00210246( R- -- I Z- -P- )
EAX:00548748 EBX:7e700000 ECX:0033f490 EDX:00000000
ESI:00000050 EDI:00000003
Stack dump:
0x0033f490: 7e709380 00000000 6613bb54 00000028
0x0033f4a0: 04ab19b8 000003ff 7e709380 00548748
0x0033f4b0: 04ab19b8 00000400 7e6187dd 7e700000
0x0033f4c0: 0033f5b4 001a87a8 0033f508 7e618e4e
0x0033f4d0: 051b9abc 051c8808 0000001a 7ead7318
0x0033f4e0: 00000074 00000000 00000000 00000050
000c: sel=0067 base=00000000 limit=00000000 32-bit --x
1 0x7e618e4e SysAllocStringLen+0x3d() in oleaut32 (0x0033f508)
2 0x7e618f59 SysAllocString+0x48() in oleaut32 (0x0033f528)
3 0x7e7f1bec in ole32 (+0x31beb) (0x0033f578)
4 0x660d86f2 in msvbvm60 (+0xd86f1) (0x0033f594)
5 0x660d9285 in msvbvm60 (+0xd9284) (0x0033f5d0)
6 0x66102ef7 in msvbvm60 (+0x102ef6) (0x0033f770)
7 0x66051c77 in msvbvm60 (+0x51c76) (0x0033f77c)
8 0x004fb924 in lernwerkstatt (+0xfb923) (0x0033f78c)
9 0x66051f78 in msvbvm60 (+0x51f77) (0x0033f7d8)
10 0x660523df in msvbvm60 (+0x523de) (0x0033f8ac)
11 0x660525ab in msvbvm60 (+0x525aa) (0x0033f8d0)
12 0x6605deef in msvbvm60 (+0x5deee) (0x0033f934)
13 0x6608218a in msvbvm60 (+0x82189) (0x0033fab4)
14 0x6605cd93 in msvbvm60 (+0x5cd92) (0x0033fadc)
15 0x6605f8c7 in msvbvm60 (+0x5f8c6) (0x0033fb38)
16 0x7eb2850a WINPROC_wrapper+0x19() in user32 (0x0033fb68)
17 0x7eb28c46 in user32 (+0x98c45) (0x0033fbb8)
18 0x7eb2b3a3 in user32 (+0x9b3a2) (0x0033fc08)
19 0x7eaec1a5 DispatchMessageA+0xb4() in user32 (0x0033fd08)
20 0x6600a3af in msvbvm60 (+0xa3ae) (0x0033fd58)
21 0x6600a326 in msvbvm60 (+0xa325) (0x0033fd9c)
22 0x6600a204 in msvbvm60 (+0xa203) (0x6601a090)
23 0x66006922 in msvbvm60 (+0x6921) (0x660c6834)
24 0x0c2474ff (0x0424448b)
25 0x6c000576 (0x00017baa)
"0x7e618906: movl %esi,0x0(%eax)"
"Module Address Debug info Name (92 modules)"
"PE 350000- 366000 Deferred logox4"
"PE 400000- 4593000 Export lernwerkstatt"
"PE 5870000- 599b000 Deferred ib-zip"
"PE 10000000-10020000 Deferred logox4"
"PE 66000000-66153000 Export msvbvm60"
"ELF 7b800000-7ba5b000 Deferred kernel32<elf>"
" \-PE 7b810000-7ba5b000 \ kernel32"
"ELF 7bc00000-7bcdb000 Deferred ntdll<elf>"
" \-PE 7bc10000-7bcdb000 \ ntdll"
"ELF 7bf00000-7bf04000 Deferred <wine-loader>"
"ELF 7cd6b000-7cd97000 Deferred libvorbis.so.0"
"ELF 7cd97000-7cf0f000 Deferred libvorbisenc.so.2"
"ELF 7cf0f000-7cf43000 Deferred libflac.so.8"
"ELF 7cf43000-7cfb5000 Deferred libsndfile.so.1"
"ELF 7cfb5000-7d000000 Deferred libdbus-1.so.3"
"ELF 7d103000-7d11a000 Deferred libresolv.so.2"
"ELF 7d11a000-7d189000 Deferred libpulsecommon-4.0.so"
"ELF 7d189000-7d1d8000 Deferred libpulse.so.0"
"ELF 7d1d8000-7d200000 Deferred winepulse<elf>"
" \-PE 7d1e0000-7d200000 \ winepulse"
"ELF 7d301000-7d323000 Deferred mmdevapi<elf>"
" \-PE 7d310000-7d323000 \ mmdevapi"
"ELF 7d323000-7d34e000 Deferred msacm32<elf>"
" \-PE 7d330000-7d34e000 \ msacm32"
"ELF 7d34e000-7d408000 Deferred winmm<elf>"
" \-PE 7d360000-7d408000 \ winmm"
"ELF 7d408000-7d43e000 Deferred uxtheme<elf>"
" \-PE 7d410000-7d43e000 \ uxtheme"
"ELF 7d43e000-7d671000 Deferred shell32<elf>"
" \-PE 7d450000-7d671000 \ shell32"
"ELF 7d671000-7d778000 Deferred comctl32<elf>"
" \-PE 7d680000-7d778000 \ comctl32"
"ELF 7d999000-7d9f4000 Deferred libjpeg.so.8"
"ELF 7da11000-7da8b000 Deferred shlwapi<elf>"
" \-PE 7da20000-7da8b000 \ shlwapi"
"ELF 7da8b000-7db48000 Deferred windowscodecs<elf>"
" \-PE 7daa0000-7db48000 \ windowscodecs"
"ELF 7e049000-7e052000 Deferred libogg.so.0"
"ELF 7e052000-7e05b000 Deferred librt.so.1"
"ELF 7e05b000-7e07b000 Deferred cabinet<elf>"
" \-PE 7e060000-7e07b000 \ cabinet"
"ELF 7e0da000-7e0e1000 Deferred libasyncns.so.0"
"ELF 7e0e1000-7e0eb000 Deferred libwrap.so.0"
"ELF 7e0eb000-7e12d000 Deferred usp10<elf>"
" \-PE 7e0f0000-7e12d000 \ usp10"
"ELF 7e171000-7e196000 Deferred imm32<elf>"
" \-PE 7e180000-7e196000 \ imm32"
"ELF 7e1dc000-7e1e2000 Deferred libxfixes.so.3"
"ELF 7e1e2000-7e1ed000 Deferred libxcursor.so.1"
"ELF 7e1ed000-7e1fe000 Deferred libxi.so.6"
"ELF 7e1fe000-7e202000 Deferred libxcomposite.so.1"
"ELF 7e202000-7e20d000 Deferred libxrandr.so.2"
"ELF 7e20d000-7e218000 Deferred libxrender.so.1"
"ELF 7e218000-7e21e000 Deferred libxxf86vm.so.1"
"ELF 7e21e000-7e222000 Deferred libxinerama.so.1"
"ELF 7e222000-7e229000 Deferred libxdmcp.so.6"
"ELF 7e229000-7e22d000 Deferred libxau.so.6"
"ELF 7e22d000-7e24e000 Deferred libxcb.so.1"
"ELF 7e24e000-7e383000 Deferred libx11.so.6"
"ELF 7e383000-7e396000 Deferred libxext.so.6"
"ELF 7e397000-7e3a2000 Deferred libjson-c.so.2"
"ELF 7e3b3000-7e445000 Deferred winex11<elf>"
" \-PE 7e3c0000-7e445000 \ winex11"
"ELF 7e4b8000-7e4e1000 Deferred libexpat.so.1"
"ELF 7e4e1000-7e51b000 Deferred libfontconfig.so.1"
"ELF 7e51b000-7e535000 Deferred libz.so.1"
"ELF 7e535000-7e5d4000 Deferred libfreetype.so.6"
"ELF 7e5f1000-7e726000 Dwarf oleaut32<elf>"
" \-PE 7e610000-7e726000 \ oleaut32"
"ELF 7e726000-7e7a8000 Deferred rpcrt4<elf>"
" \-PE 7e730000-7e7a8000 \ rpcrt4"
"ELF 7e7a8000-7e8e5000 Dwarf ole32<elf>"
" \-PE 7e7c0000-7e8e5000 \ ole32"
"ELF 7e8e5000-7e957000 Deferred advapi32<elf>"
" \-PE 7e8f0000-7e957000 \ advapi32"
"ELF 7e957000-7ea74000 Deferred gdi32<elf>"
" \-PE 7e960000-7ea74000 \ gdi32"
"ELF 7ea74000-7ebce000 Dwarf user32<elf>"
" \-PE 7ea90000-7ebce000 \ user32"
"ELF 7ef65000-7ef72000 Deferred libnss_files.so.2"
"ELF 7ef72000-7ef7e000 Deferred libnss_nis.so.2"
"ELF 7ef7e000-7ef97000 Deferred libnsl.so.1"
"ELF 7ef97000-7efa0000 Deferred libnss_compat.so.2"
"ELF 7efa0000-7efe3000 Deferred libm.so.6"
"ELF 7efe6000-7f000000 Deferred version<elf>"
" \-PE 7eff0000-7f000000 \ version"
"ELF f7423000-f75d7000 Deferred libc.so.6"
"ELF f75d7000-f75dc000 Deferred libdl.so.2"
"ELF f75dd000-f75f8000 Deferred libpthread.so.0"
"ELF f7615000-f77ca000 Dwarf libwine.so.1"
"ELF f77cc000-f77ee000 Deferred ld-linux.so.2"
"ELF f77ee000-f77ef000 Deferred [vdso].so"
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
00000008 (D) C:\Program Files (x86)\Lernwerkstatt 8\Lernwerkstatt.exe
" 00000032 15"
" 0000002f 0"
" 0000002e 15"
" 00000009 0 <=="
0000000e services.exe
" 0000001e 0"
" 0000001d 0"
" 00000018 0"
" 00000016 0"
" 00000014 0"
" 00000010 0"
" 0000000f 0"
00000012 winedevice.exe
" 0000001c 0"
" 00000019 0"
" 00000017 0"
" 00000013 0"
0000001a plugplay.exe
" 00000020 0"
" 0000001f 0"
" 0000001b 0"
00000021 explorer.exe
" 00000023 0"
" 00000022 0"
00000024 Logox4.exe
" 0000002c 0"
" 0000002b 0"
" 0000002a 0"
" 00000029 15"
" 00000027 1"
" 00000026 1"
" 00000025 0"
System information:
Wine build: wine-1.6.1
Platform: i386 (WOW64)
Host system: Linux
Host version: 3.11.0-15-generic
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11 years ago
Comment #2 on issue 401 by litimetal: vb6run install completed but
installed file /home.../syswow64/msvbvm60.dll not found

I can't meet them in wine 1.7.11
Could you please retest it after
updating your wine?
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11 years ago
Comment #3 on issue 401 by ***@googlemail.com: vb6run install
completed but installed file /home.../syswow64/msvbvm60.dll not found

First of all I copied the file msvbvm60.dll in capital letters to
/home.../syswow64/ and die error massage in the title disappiered (vb6run
is marked as installed now)
But still the error when I start Lernwerkstatt 8.
I updated wine to 1.7.11 but no changes...

backtrace.txt 7.4 KB
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11 years ago
Comment #4 on issue 401 by ***@gmail.com: vb6run install
completed but installed file /home.../syswow64/msvbvm60.dll not found

Please retest in a clean 32-bit prefix.

It installs fine for me in 1.6.2 in a 64-bit prefix, fwiw.

note that copying msvbvm60.dll itself to syswow64 won't work.
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issue notifications to this address.
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11 years ago
Comment #5 on issue 401 by ***@gmail.com: vb6run install completed
but installed file /home.../syswow64/msvbvm60.dll not found


I am encountering the same problem in wine 1.7.17 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS:

Running winetricks vbrun6 gives the following error:

You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. If you encounter problems, please retest
in a clean 32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.
Executing w_do_call vb6run
Executing load_vb6run
fixme:setupapi:SetupDefaultQueueCallbackW notification 262144 params
err:setupapi:SetupDefaultQueueCallbackW copy error 0
L"C:\\users\\$USER\\Temp\\IXP000.TMP\\MSVBVM60.DLL" ->
err:setupapi:SetupDefaultQueueCallbackW copy error 0
L"C:\\users\\$USER\\Temp\\IXP000.TMP\\MSVBVM60.DLL" ->
fixme:ole:DllRegisterServer stub


vb6run install completed, but installed file
/home/apos/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/syswow64/MSVBVM60.DLL not found

If I manually do

wine ~/.cache/winetricks/vb6run/VB6.0-KB290887-X86.exe

and give manually the extracted foldername as e.g. c:\windows\temp and then

cd ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/temp
wine ./vbrun60sp6.exe

everything works fine.

I think, this is a problem with a wrong temporary file location?

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11 years ago
Comment #6 on issue 401 by ***@gmail.com: vb6run install
completed but installed file /home.../syswow64/msvbvm60.dll not found

Please try it in a 32-bit prefix instead of a 64-bit one (as winetricks
told you) and I asked in comment #4
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